[M]Lost then Found
Saluce watched her with great interest, judging by her reaction he was happy to see that she had been considering it just as he had. It wasn’t that he was hiding anything from anyone, just that it wasn’t quite right for them to be as serious as they were yet. He grinned at her comment, of course he’d be able to put up with her. After all she wasn’t too bad, just a bit emotional at times. He guessed there wasn’t much that could be done about that, she was cursed with being a woman after all.

His eyes drifted down her sleek physique, before returning to the vixens face. If he had just met her he might have kept his eyes from wandering but they were far beyond that now. Seemed she had something else nagging at her, X’y’s gentle attentions spoke volumes as to the direction she wanted to go. Saluce closed his eyes as her tongue lapped at his neck, right around the spot she had known about for just maybe two weeks now. But now she seemed to be an expert of finding that spot, driving him wild to get what she wanted. A low growl emanated from his throat, signaling she was very adept now at driving home the point of her gentle affections across his neck.

“X’y… “ but his will to carry on the topic was lost, just as another appendage sprang to life between his legs. He had no idea the monster he had created, she had become insatiable, not that he minded but his little golden queen was a demanding queen it seemed now. His claws ran across her back with ever quickening motions before settling at her waist and backside, one clawed hand running along the base of her tail, the other along her thigh.

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