you painted black where my broken heart is

Jazper was Apollo’s brother by some weird family ties. He knew that he wasn’t blood – that Deirdre had adopted him. That made Pilot one of his father’s, but he also considered Deuce and Lucifer his parents as well. Apollo felt a connection with Jazz in that way – they both had a ton of family members, but no real parents. It was a strange set up, but whatever. He looked up to the black silhouette of his adopted brother and offered a thin smile. They were complete opposites in color and size – Jazper was practically an adult now. He squinted as the sun filtered into his mismatched eyes, before Jazper stepped forward and blocked out the sun.

"Hey Jazper. I was just watchin’ the ants." He looked down to the ant hill and watched as the little bodies busily entered and left the small mound of dirt. He wished he was small enough to hide away in that hole and explore the maze of caverns beneath the soil. "They’re weird lookin’. And so small." He turned his gaze back to his brother. "Whatchu doing?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. Unlike Sirius, Apollo had lost his baby talk rather quickly. He was rather good at pronouncing simple words how they were supposed to be said. Sirius still added extra endings to words, while Apollo had left that behavior behind. The only thing he struggled with was properly ending his words. Sometimes he left of the –ing endings.


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