Vagabond, traveler from afar
Sounds like a good place to start to wrap things up? Unless you have some more things you'd like to do, in which case I can edit my post a bit.
wc 383

The femme couldn't help but stand a bit taller at his words. She had never looked at her sea-faring ordeal in that light before, but what he said made a lot of sense. Asmodai had a way of making her feel really good about herself. When he complimented her she didn't feel like he was just trying to get something from her or take advantage of her like she did with some of the opposite gender. "Why thank you Asmodai, I never thought of it like that before. But I suppose its like that saying, 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger'. It was quite the adventure, and it did bring me to what seems to be like a better place than where I was." The ebon female smiled at her peppered colored new friend, her tail slightly wagging. She really liked this wolf she decided, one of the few males she had ever met to win her over so easily.

Savina could tell that Asmodai had his own agenda, his own journey that he was on, but she really hoped that this would not be the only time that she would see the wolf. He seemed like a good soul, and heavens know that sometimes it can be hard to find good souls in this world. The wolfess also didn't have a lot of friends yet in this land that was still so new to her. Sure, she hadn't been here that long, and in time she would probably have quite a few (or at least she hoped). But at this point every friend was precious to her and she hated to lose one. "I know that you're probably not in the market for one, but I live in a pack that's not too far from here. It's off to the west, its called Twilight Vale. The lead female is a very nice wolf. I'm sure that if you ever want a pack that you'd be welcome there. Also if you ever want to find me again that's where I'll be. I do hope that our paths will cross again, and hopefully you will consider me a friend. If you ever need my help or hospitality I will be happy to give it." She gave a warm smile to the gray-colored male.


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