Strange Winds
:3 here comes someone new!! Optime form, I already discussed this thread too with Bria, Amy is allowed to attack Sammi! This is horribly rambly, forgive me! I swear this is my longest post. It's a one-time thing...

The day had started rather satisfactory for the ivory woman, she had yawned and stretched her lean body before slipping out of the bed that she and her mate shared. Kissing the top of his head and nuzzling the kids, Samantha softly murmured "I'll be back later. Just going fir a walk." She got dressed quickly, pulling on a quick blouse and jean-shorts. To finish off, the young vixen pulled on the dark brown fur cloak and set off. As she exited the dark caves, Sam had remembered that she had forgotten her dagger. Just in case she had to defend herself in the dark woods. Sprinting back to the cave that she called her own, she pulled the jade dagger from the set of wooden drawers that Rain had made them. Soon enough the young Luperci was in the glowing light of day. At every footstep, the ankh necklace shone in the low sunlight, a gift from the leader Naniko at the ceremony. It was supposed to give the new bonded pair luck, hopefully it would today. The cold air bit at the exposed parts of the colorless femme's body, making winter's arrival clear. Aqua eyes gazed over the terrain, the weather was nice enough, better than the storm not too long ago, a few days prior. Samantha knew that her mate wasn't too happy about her outings; it wasn't like she was going off to see other men or looking for fights, the last outing only resulted in a few scratches to her muzzle. A she walked along, the terrain became more rocky and mountainous, it wasn't a place that she visited often. Soon enough she realized that she was walking along the same mountains that Anathema was under. Although this was no-man's-land. Since her recent promotion to Furcas, Sam found that she was a little more respected compared to being a Zepar. As she hopped over a low rock, her ankle got snagged in a crevice and the woman found herself caught stuck. Her hands tried to pull away at the rocks, tried to free herself from the hurt. White Digits clawed away at slate and finally her foot was loose. Relieved from freedom, a sigh escaped the Luperci's lips. But when she stood up, Sam almost collapsed and fell. Her ankle was badly twisted and painful. Walking now in a limp, looking very pitiful, Samantha couldn't help but wince at the horrid stinging pain. A strange sight was seen, a horse and cart, some smoke floating lazily towards the sky just a little bit higher up.

The sight became even more strange as she noticed someone tied up to the cart, a small woman who looked very thin. Now who would do this? Of couse the woman would not tie herself to the wagon, that would be bizarre. Maybe she could ask for help, maybe find something to use as an ankle brace. She rounded the corner and saw a beautiful dog-woman sitting on a cushion of furs, a silver necklace hung from her neck, how could this grand lady have someone tied to the back of the cart? Confusion followed and the ivory fatale hesitated, weakened by her injury with only a dagger; how could she defend herself if something were to happen? A breath came as a whoosh as a small gasp came from her lips as she remembered the female tethered at the back. She stood her ground for a quick moment before hesitantly asking. "I-I'm sorry...I have injured myself. If there's any way, can you help?" Something told the wolf-woman that something was up. That this wasn't normal. Without thinking, her hand under the cloak went to the dagger strapped at her thigh. Not the best at hand-to-hand combat or fighting with a dagger, Sam feared that if something went amiss, there would be no hope. Her other hand clutched the Ankh around her neck, silently praying that nothing would happen. The silver bracelet shone around her wrist as her hand was raised, a present from her mate when he asked her to be his. It was his mother's before she passed and he wouldn't want anything to happen to it. Her gaze fell to the merchandise and wares around, maybe the woman was overreacting. Maybe she could buy something for her son and daughter. Her vivid sea-green eyes still remained fearful and distant. Breathing in the cool mountain air, the fae was able to relax to some degree. She remained alert and cautious though. Although close to her home of Anathema, the young woman didn't know how to be able to go. If the woman at the back of the cart was a slave, maybe helping her escape would be a plan. But what about her own life? The golden woman had the upper hand in size, Sam was always petite, on the lean almost underweight scale. Her expression turned calm, everything would be alright, never show fear right? The grey-tipped plumage of her tail waved slowly, analyzing the situation.

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</style>this beautiful table was given to me by Gen.

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