Strange Winds
The sound of limping reached her ears before she smelled the guest. Smiling Amy put on her best face for the customer, eager to get started. There were so many goods to sell, and this would be her first stop. If she did well here Amy might even consider forgiving Alexandrea her escape attempt and let her sleep tonight. She studied the woman, looking at the nice fur cloak and beautiful jewelry she wore. Clearly this was someone who had things worth trading. She smelled of the mountains, a deep scent that penetrated even through the trimmings of the pack she belonged to. Amy smiled warmly.

You are injured? Come and sit down. You'll be much more comfortable this way. Amy didn't offer help as she stood, gesturing to the place she vacated. She would give nothing for free, not even the help the girl clearly needed. Amy was a business woman to the core. If she could make something from it she would. Gracefully she strode over to the wagon, pulling it open. She pushed aside the jars of poison, looking for something that would help with the swelling. A beautiful silk cloth was selected as a wrap, a pair of leather bracelets to secure it and keep the ankle from moving.

Amy pulled her precious plant of witch hazel out, taking the time to collect a small jug of water and a rock to crush the leaves. I can make a poultice for your wound if you wish. Carefully she set the items she'd collected before the customer, just out of reach. Of course, nothing is for free in this world. This plant is rather difficult to maintain. I will need repayment for your use of it. Her statement made Amy watched the wolf, waiting for a response.

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