Breathe Me

War, destruction, death, blood, despair, fear, everything. It was everything. It was, beautiful. It truly was. Other beings did not particularly move like the puppets he wanted them to be, so it was all about stepping lightly and reach the child with the goodnight kiss without waking it before the nightmare had consumed it completely and it was too late to force eyes wide open. The grayscale male's questions were too easy to answer, unfortunately. I do not know. Blood did not have to start boil as of yet, there was enough time, they had to be polite and properly enjoy the meal. The adult drew in air through cold nostrils and let it out the same way, a bit more pressure put on the air traveling out of him. Not a sigh, but it the meaning was the same.

I need to take care of her before I plan my next move. I do not wish for war, but there are very few options to choose except for blood. It was a harsh thing to say, and his ears flickered uneasily. They were so alike, the two types of canines. He had never understood what really was the cause of tension between them. A puddle of blood was always to be seen between them, yet the sinful offspring bloomed into the world and kept the blood from coagulating, from the side they felt most comfortable on. Why? They were all the same. He watched the other male, unsure what to say for once. Haku had received a soldier already.

I don’t want these things to happen again. That’s all. Pink tones in fur supposed to be snow white. He did not want to see it.


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