And I swear that I don't have a gun

She floated down beside him and he leaned a bit over to her, inhaling the scent of female, of her. He loved the words coming out between her lips. What was it like to be sane? Haku had never moved together with the flock of sheep. He was darker in coloration, darker in soul, darker in heart. Her hand stayed in his, and he let a couple of finger softly stroke the index of her palm, careful and light, one could even call it lovingly. This scene was lovely.

I am a monster. I go after pray too dangerous for a solitary man only. This was a way of saying it, he supposed. No one wanted to understand what he was trying to do, what he tried to wipe away. One less hostile group to deal with, what was the problem? Why did he fail to see problem in solutions? Everyone else seemed to. Why were they so frail and delicate, the rest? Were they so egocentric and empty for care?


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