Be prepared!

Word Count :: Thanks! ♥ ☃Crap...Muse faltered. Oh yeah...Sam is all beat up. I had a thread before this and someone tortures Sam. She's got a few injuries.  

Aqua eyes twinkled with happiness, watching her daughter snuggle close to her father. Although fitting in well to the domestic life, Sam knew that many things wouldn't be allowed to do. Amused by her children, Sam rolled over but in mid-movement a soft yelp came from the woman, her back had many whip marks and bruises. After being beaten by the dog-woman who tried to capture Sam as a slave, the ivory fae was basically immobile for the time being. Sam clutched her mate's shoulder as the searing pain continued on. So much for being a great rolemodel. Always one for having fun, goofing off at times and acting almost idiotically at times; the woman had to set an example for her kids. In her first months in Nova Scotia, partying and smoking had been one of the things she did. Now all of that stuff was taken from her life, not that she minded though. She picked her son up just the same as Rain had to Lux. Quinn whimpered from being taken from the spot that he was warmest. Her pink tongue brushed over the tiny male's body. Sam did the same to Lux. She pulled her body right up to Rain's resting her head in the space between his neck and shoulders. A gentle smile played over her lips, warm and happy. So many things these days made her absolutely exhausted. In the dark of their den, Sam felt happy. "I'm tired..." Her eyes closed, but not to sleep. Just to rest. So much memories to recollect. "Tell me about before you met me. Any love interests you had. Anything." She also had many stories yet to tell him. Some embarrassing and a little silly, some good. Some not as pleasant. This was the time for talking. To know more about eachother. Her jewelry that she wore had become much more, Sam wore the necklace Naniko gave her at the ceremony as well as the bracelets Jackson and Rain had given her. They were eternally precious to her and they would be horribly missed if something happened to them.

Lux was bigger than Quinn by much, Quinn must've been the last one born. Both were growing fast. She knew nothing of their heritage, but somehow they looked like they had larger ears and leaner muzzled; suggesting some coyote in their heritage. Quinn's eyes looked as if they would be an orange color. Lux's eyes were a pretty blue, the young Luperci didn't know if they would change or not. She snuggled her family close to her, feeling completely close and content to be near them all. Samantha accepted Lux and Quinn as their own, ivory hands ran over his cheek softly. Sam was quiet, thinking of the ceremony and how well it went, how she had been mated to the one perfect man and she was only a mere misfit. "I still ask myself, why me? I have many problems and things you don't know. I feel like talking." Her muzzle moved to his chest and she let out a small sigh. They were still happy but things had settled down. Life had a routine and Sam was only just getting used to it. Feed the kids, make sure they don't harm themselves, do some work, gather herbs for a salve, and so on. She had almost no time with her mate. "I love you." The words were said softly, they had no doubt or worry for their relationship. "But sometimes don't you think we don't have enough time for eachother? Life has gotten really complex." A hand reached to grasp one of his, never wanting to let go of the man who had won her over. "Tell me a story. Or a memory. Anything." She wrapped the furs around her lean physique, a chill was felt through her fur. Sam's fur was getting thicker by the week, finding that some days the woman wasn't so cold. A yawn came and she looked into the silver and teal eyes of her man. Why did he have to be so perfect? He was laying beside someone battered and beaten, whip scars all over her back and stomach. Her body ached, she could barely move. Rain would have to look after her for a short while. Afraid to be a burden, Samantha would push to help herself and stun the healing. Defeated, the woman just had to lay there. "Rain...I just don't want to lose you."

table by cactus; code by the Mentors!

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