Swords And Roses

Yah...I thought so too.

Aleo had to smile at the answering howl that accompanied footfalls. A snowy female came, eyes a dark blue and a friendly expression. His voice was thick with his German accent as always. "Hey. I'm Aleo." She was familiar, probably one of the females that he met when Shiloh found Sarian. She introduced herself as Kiara. He dipped his dark muzzle in greeting and chuckled at her next words. "Yes ma'am. I have been hanging around Shiloh and Sarian for the past while. I've kind of bonded." This was added with a small sheepish grin, never one to confess to much, the boy felt at ease around the ivory wolf. He tilted his head to one side, and asked. "So. I am supposed to do this initiation task. But frankly I don't know what to do." The dark coywolf was forever grateful to Shiloh, she had found him and treated his wounds. More scars were littered across his chest, crisscrossing over the old claw marks from that horrible mountain lion attack. Aleo turned his obsidian head to the direction of the mountains. "What was your initiation task like?" Aleo inquired with slight curiosity.  Mauve eyes held a small smile, clearly excited for the day.

"How long have you been in Ichika? I've not been here long." The reason for coming here was almost unknown, maybe he searched for peace. Maybe it was Shiloh who had drawn him in. "How's Sarian? Still a little rugrat?" Aleo was fond of the little one, she was fun to be around and very energetic. The man hadn't visited Shiloh and Sarian in a while, he just hoped that they were well. Shiloh had wanted him to be a father-figure for Sarian, the charcoal  brute was just afraid of messing things up, even though he loved the tiny girl and her mother.


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