
Sorry for the shortness Smile

Thoughts wove patterns and trailed off before changing forms entirely and Ulilohi lost track of time as she absent-mindedly made up her braids carefully. She was mid-ways in one when a young wolfess approached her, and Ulilohi looked up, hands still on it. She hastily fastened its ends as a work-in-progress before getting up and introducing herself. Left-hand fingers wrapped around the other, hanging in front of her and pointing to the ground. Beads and feathers rustled and shook, dangling from her head and neck. "Greetings. I'm Ulilohi, I've come from AniWaya, hoping for friends here." The sentence was delivered with a confident smile, but she tried to make her 7-foot frame appear smaller somehow, less intruding. What she said wasn't a lie, exactly, either. What she hoped for was fewer enemies - friend might be highly unlikely for a long while. There had been deaths on all sides of the conflict, so Vigilante and Savina had informed her. Obviously, Ulilohi was not necessarily welcome in this place, and yet here she was, offering her face in return for possible future forgiveness of sins that were not hers. Well, her people's. Her pose was non-dominant, her tail tucked firmly between her legs as she waited for a response from the other wolfess, but she did not fear to meet the femme's gaze confidently.

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