You can’t do this!


Her mother’s sudden appearance did nothing good for the situation. When she saw her mother she nearly rolled her eyes, knowing that the situation was just about to get worse. Orin was so over protective and she knew the white wolfess wouldn’t help her appeal her case to Skye.

She had moved from the door way when Skye eased her forward, joining the others on the porch and repositioning herself as needed. Her mother’s arms went around her and she just stood there, too upset to bother with a big emotional reunion. Hands patted at her and her mother’s mirror eyes scrutinized her. Finally she sighed and said – much more gently than she had been speaking before, “I’m okay, Mom, there were no psychos.”

Then Skye’s firm voice overruled all, and her eyes jerked to meet her Capitana’s visage. She looked like she wanted to protest the interruption and started to say something, her temper flaring up again, but she somehow managed to hold her tongue. For a minute, anyway…

“I give them respect but they don’t listen to me, what else can I do?” She started to argue, then was culled by Skye’s words.

She stood begrudgingly by while Shawchert decided to chime in and get his side of the story in first. Somehow she held her tongue until he was almost done, and then burst again. “See what I mean?” she asked, motioning to her father before crossing her arms again. “Family dispute? Not involve you? He’s just going right over your head with it.”

“That is not what happened. Ever since she went on that stupid trip Mom’s been wanting one of those animals… the llamala or something… so I just went looking for one for her. It wasn’t my fault that I was gone for that long. I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry (the word was sarcastically spoken with an emphasis toward her father) “I failed at it but I still don’t think that’s a good enough reason to ground me. Mom?” It was parent against parent. She knew her mother would be so happy to have her back that she just might be able to reel her in to her side on this… not that she was intentionally trying to manipulate her. It’s just what children do.

“And anyway, that’s not even why he’s mad at me. He didn’t even say anything about it until I tried to tell him about the guy I met! I didn’t do anything, but he freaked out after I said that and told me I couldn’t leave the Terrace ever.” Yeah, it was an exaggeration, but it might as well have been forever to the antsy teen.

Image courtesy of mourner@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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