What do you say to that?

Really sorry about the wait! My computer died. D:

Word Count → 192

Swentzle nodded briefly, and continued to move forward, one hand going out to guide him away from the female so that he didn't bump into her. Hamza was no help at all with that, as the moment Swentzle's grip loosened, he wandered off again into the tall grass. The woman introduced herself then, and Swentzle paused to perform a proper bow, bringing his hands together in front of his chest. My name is Swentzle Byström. He paused a moment to straighten himself, and added with an utterly stoic face, It's a pleasure to meet you.

He managed to reach the river shortly after, and took a few careful drinks, also washing his face, before he rubbed the water down his arms and scooped some up in his hands. Chione, He said, pausing a moment after he'd said the name so as to let it stir the air a moment, That is something of an odd name. Are you from around here? His tone was politely curious, and he rose to his full height as he lapped the water from his hands before turning to look for her in the bright sunlight.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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