[M] blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol.

our girls are such light weights. xD EAR PIERCIN' TIEM. |:<

Word Count → 000

Despite the taste being absolutely horrifying, the stuff was making her feel kind of good. Instead of setting the bottle of clear liquid down, she took another longer and deeper drink, then another, and another. Once the burning hit her stomach she had to close her eyes for a few moments, and press a hand to the ground, to keep herself balanced. The dark lids opened and she grinned over at Wretch, flopping onto her side and setting the bottle down. Her head turned and she stared up at the silver coyote mix for a few moments before yipping softly. ”You are preeeetty, Wretchy! So shiny and pretty…and…pretty.” One hand reached up and she pet at the other woman’s arm for a few moments.

The comment about more jewelry caught her attention and she grinned widely, her face almost breaking into a snarl. Crawling over to her backs, she started opening them and digging around until she found what it was that she was looking for. A small pouch was taken out and she rolled it open, revealing about forty needles of all different sizes, all for sewing. Next, she grabbed and knife and a handful of tiny bird and mice bones. ”I thhhh…uh…thiiink I-I can pierce your ears…” Her fingers stroked over the needles and she tilted her head at Wretch innocently, eyes wide and still staring at the other’s beautiful pristine coat.

Table code by the Mentors!

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