Wish I didn't know now

lol I just feel bad for keeping you waiting. xD;

Word Count → 287

He was relieved when she agreed to his information; though he didn't like the thought of her possibly bringing up the idea of slavery to some of Shikoba's enemies, as he had no doubt that they would steal children from other tribes to fill her requests, he'd wished to provide her some incentive to accept. There was no guarantee she would be interested, though; he could hope. He tilted his head and listened as she moved about to get the map, and what he assumed to be ink, before it was carefully spread before him. He nodded and shrugged as she explained she had no writing materials, and then turned toward Hamza, clicking his tongue to wake Citlali from her slumber.

The owl lifted her head slowly, and then fluttered to his lifted arm. He plucked a feather as gently as he could from one of her wings, and she hooted a protest, then settled again, climbing up to his shoulder and tucking her head back under her wing. He scraped at the make-shift quill for a moment to sharpen the point, then dipped it lightly in the ink and did his best to focus his eyes. He couldn't see quite as clearly as he needed, but after a moment he could make out the vast plains on the map. He drew small, careful circles--six in total--and then an X through two of them, which were closer together than the rest. Those two are the Shikoba and Calfuray tribes. He said, setting the feather next to the ink and sitting back. If you tell them Swentzle sent you, they'll be more likely to trust your word. I cannot say the same for the rest.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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