[Mature] Lights On The Horizon

Sorry if this sucks...

Aleo looked at Shiloh as she explained that she was in heat "I see...It doesn't bother me." He kissed her with great passion as she accepted. The man felt so joyous, he hugged her tight. By now her scent was intoxicating, almost unresistable. When Shiloh pulled him to the bed, whispered her love and desire, he was surprised at first. The obsidian male felt stirring in his jeans, much to his shame. "Shiloh..." He whispered softly. Soon enough he fell to his own need. Instinctual need drove the man forward, trailing kisses up her neck and gently nipping at her chin. Aleo watched his new mate, he would try to be gentle and considerate of her needs. Large hands trailed up her lean body. No. Wait. Shiloh was on her heat cycle, he could very well get her pregnant. Aleo stopped what he was doing, and looked into her beautiful eyes."Shiloh...Is this what you want?' He had a family now, a mate. Everything was perfect and the coywolf couldn't push down the happiness he felt. Molten lilac eyes gazed at the beautiful woman he had in his arms.

This was much like a dream, he was accepted by someone he loved, he had a wonderful daughter to cherish and love. Aleo pressed a hand to her cheek, the titan held one of her hands. He felt complete, the feeling of having a being equal to what he was and loving them increduously. "Shiloh...I want you..." He whispered softly into her ear. How incredible it was that he could feel so much love and desire from one person. The man held her there for a while, feeling her warmth and heartbeat. How he loved this woman, it was astronomical. "I love you Shiloh."


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