digging through the rubble

Word Count » 300 OOC

angels watching over me with smiles upon their face

Odessa followed the stranger out of the building, still clutching the half dead plant. Keshi, in turn, followed her. He kept his body close to Odessa's own, still wary of the strange female. He still couldn't fathom why his mistress was speaking nicely to someone who virtually assaulted him. Of at least that was what he thought, but in truth it was simply a rough shove away. Odessa hadn't made much fuss over it, she knew that some people did not enjoy the company of animals and even though she did not know why or how, she accepted it. Keshi still assumed that everyone liked horses as he had never been treated bad in Salsola. Except by Llarkspur and even then it had not been true cruelty and his everyday cared weighted up against that one painful task he fufilled on him.

Odessa simply nodded to Terra's questions. Finding no real reason to vocalise something so simple. She veered away from Terra, knowing which way she was going, she didn't mind leaving Terra without any words of parting. If the girl was smart she'd follow on. The medic, after finding plenty of books, knew the was by heart. It was an old store room one the decrepid second floor of a building. Odessa held a light form so navigating the rotten floorboards was a simple task. A story book and a medical journal, easy things to find if you knew where to look. The store was in sight now and with a sharp girl of 'Girl, over here' she quickened her pace. The medic didn't know the girls name, nor did she care because she was certainly not going to divulge her own title. It was only a small jump for D'Angelo to Salsola. Even so it felt strange to call someone girl as in likely case Terra probably held more years in her than Odessa, perhaps even more than Salvia and Pandemic.

'cause I have made it through this far in an unforgiving place
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