the natural flower of duty

OOC here: Table & Coding © Kiki; 314 words
Symera Villisca
and the rat's in the cradle

Was it Halo that had taken a hold on her or perhaps Symera that had taken a hold on Halo? Their first hunt together had proven the cruelty that resided in such a small pup. It had been hard to tell who had wanted that kill more, who had reveled the most in the death of the wolf. Symera had claimed her first skull before she had ever been able to shift. Granted she had delivered the killing blow but she had claimed the skull as her own and had worn it proudly on the trip back to Inferni. The small girl had already been vicious on her own, unforgiving of the wolven species. Halo was taking her out to hunt down the enemy and would teach her to hone her skills.

But with her age she still could be swayed to learn other things. She probably would never lose her aggression but it didn't mean that she couldn't learn things that didn't deal with maiming and killing. Like the plants that Enkiel was talking to her about. Or scratch that... Plants could kill too? That was something that had quickly snagged her attention. Here she had only thought that they were around to feed the prey animals. Symera had no idea that they could actually prove to be useful. That was certainly news to her.

The small girl quickly trotted along behind Enkiel as she was shown a killing plant. She stepped close to inspect the plants then looked towards the older male as he instructed upon what would happen should they be eaten. "Can you sniff them or touch them?" The question was posed with genuine curiosity. While she was still unable to accurately wield a weapon she might be able to use these berries in their place in order to lessen the population of wolves that surrounded the lands of Inferni.

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