Be prepared!
So someone had saved her. Someone that had found Shiloh and.... and what? It was obvious that Saxif had left the scarred woman but for someone to find her and love her. It was what she deserved. Shiloh needed someone to love after what he did to her. He looked down at Sam. She would have scars on her back and he had found more on her legs that he had treated when she was unconscious. He had made her drink a fowl tasting tea but it left her numb and helped her sleep though most nights. She hadn't had her cup for the night and luckily he had left some within arms reach.

"Sam you are beautiful even with scars. You could look like Shiloh for all I care. I only see what's inside you. Not outside. Here. Take this. It will help with any lingering pain." he whispered softly holding up the cup. Rain wondered how much more pain Sam wasn't showing him, trying to be strong. He was worried about her, there had been so much blood, so many cuts and bruises. She walked around in pain and he had been sticking to the caves since he found her by the entrance of the caves. She was on bed rest but something was keeping her from sleeping soundly. She needed the rest badly but something as keeping her awake. "Are you scared to sleep Sam? Scared something will happen to you. You need your rest. You have gotten thinner since I found you. I am so worried.... he whispered nipping at her jawline.

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