Looking for a lighter side
Firefly didn't seem to bother continuing the subject since her brother didn't. It was the past and over with, she hadn't been harmed nor had DaVinci, though there had been hurt feelings at home. She'd left home without thought of their feelings though she didn't think that they would really care what she'd done. She'd returned and life was back to normal, or as normal as it could be. One sibling had been lost forever but that had been out of everyone's control. Before her though was her twin, possibly the only one who had really ever understood any part of her when she was younger, though now with all the changes between the two there was room to grow and expand, yet still they were the closest.

She laughed softly as he decided in the mists of his words that it was all the same in the end, that she was home. She smiled and shook her head, confirming once more the reality. "No, DaVinci would never..." She sat watching him as he asked her how it had been, her adventure off to nowhere and yet everywhere all at once. Her eyes seemed to laugh with merriment as she spoke of their adventures. "Yes! We learned how to man a ship with the crew and went all the way across the sea. DaVinci, Mags and I stayed in Ireland forever it seemed.. I still miss it there, everyone does things so differently. You'd love it there.. it's so mysterious and mystic. The stories the Bairds could tell you.. and the things they could show you.." her eyes seemed to mist over as she thought about the secret things she'd taken part in, so many things she missed.. but she was home now and her sibling was right before her. She knew he should have came to, but she hadn't really imagined that they'd sail away on the adventures they had.. she wished she'd have atleast told him now where she'd gone off to when she'd left, but always the careful one she figured he would have told mother and father... and DaVinci's life had already been hard enough.

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