kanashiku nai desu ka?

It was funny sometimes, how much he had forgotten and how much he still remembered. Whole months of his life were gaping holes, but simultaneously, he recalled some moments, some hours, and some days as if they had happened minutes ago rather than years ago. Then again, he had a suspicion that many of those so-called memories were now more fantasy than reality, but if reality was only defined by perception, then pretty much everything was up for debate. Time made everything questionable, as did he dementia and disease. All the same, though he might have forgotten exactly what he had said to them and exactly what they had said to him, he doubted he would ever really forget his family, no matter how much he distanced himself from them. Besides, roundabout as it was, they had never really affected him enough to warrant a desire to forget them.

No, he probably wouldn't forget them, but visiting? He didn't really know what good it would do. The isolation between himself and the rest of the world was comfortable. It was almost as if nothing could touch him anymore because he had so little connection to anything. He was safe in the forest where no one lived. Loneliness seemed a small price to pay. He had had enough excitement in his life. Maybe, he answered. Ambivalence made everything easier. No obligation in either direction. The hybrid shifted slightly in his corner and curled more tightly into a ball. Don't expect me though. It was better no one got their hopes up, though he didn't know why they would in the first place.


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