With the touch of blood, she received wings

Cercelee couldn’t help it. Once she caught Colibri’s scent she had to follow it. Why, why, why was she here? It wasn’t that Cercelee longed to see her friends, they weren’t friends any more. It wasn’t that Cer had anything left to say to the older female, she had washed her hands of the female when she had left. And really, Cercelee hadn’t though of Colibri at all, that is, until she had caught the strong scent of the lady in the grass as Cercelee meandered about Twilight Vale. Yet now that she had caught the scent, she wanted to know why here? Why Twilight Vale and not Dahlia de Mai? Had she not caught the scent she could have never thought of her again, but now that Cer knew where Colibri was, she just couldn’t help herself.

When she came to the end of the trail (following Colibri’s scent) she found the female sleeping. Dozing to be more accurate. Cercelee did not wake her, but merely sat before her so that when she did awake of her own accord she would see her. And what a sight it’d be, her wounds still only half healed, her neck a ring of missing fur and dried blood. Scabs on her chest and a few on her face. Cer didn’t think of that though, she didn’t think of anything. What happened would happen, and just as Cercelee couldn’t control herself tracking Colibri here, she couldn’t control what Colibri would do or say.


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