I'll Come Back, When You Call Me.

The victimized man was truly a creature of just skin and bones, Jace could feel his ribs pressing against the bone of her collar and shoulder, it was painful but not overly so besides she had weathered worse than this in an attempt to save people from harm. Her right leg suddenly burned and the once fur-less part of her tail itched annoyingly. She could remember vividly dragging her mountain of a friend through three foot deep snow with her right leg unusable and strength fading quickly. The female shrugged off the old memories for they brought up feelings of abandonment, she wondered where Falgar and Kami and Ty and Pendez had gone, Tala too, lots of them had gone missing after the announcement, it made her sad to think of her old friends out there alone. Or maybe not alone, maybe they had formed their own pack somewhere else without them.

The female pondered on all of this while the procession of three canines and a horse made their way towards the cabin that she remembered. Every so often she looked back to make sure his steed was still following, she didn't want to separate the pair for it was clear they had been through a lot together. She hoped maybe to one day have the same bond with Emmett but she knew it wouldn't be for a few years yet. The silence among them seemed natural apart from the traveler's one outburst of hallucinatory talk that Jace mainly ignored, muttering soothing cooing noises at the male to lull him back to sleep.

The cabin was still there as she remembered it, a small one floored wooden building with a chimney stack sticking out of the roof and half a tree's worth of vines creeping up its sides. It's two windows were broken but the glass from it had long since disappeared from the floor, weathered away and washed by rain. Next to it ran a small stream, no less than a foot or two across and only a few inches deep but the water was clear having come from the mountains. The door was no longer present on its hinges and instead lay on the floor to the side of the house. So Jace strode right on in and as carefully as she could put the man down onto the old bed she knew from experience was still usable. The cabin was beaten, battered and bruised but it still stood. The femme rubbed at her aching shoulder and flexed her fingers that had long ago gone numb, pricks and pins made it twitch and spasm as the feeling slowly came back to her.

Mismatched eyes intensely scrutinised the room around her, only one door was evident on the far side that led into a small room that was absent of furniture. In the main room though there was a simple wooden frame with furs on it that she had placed there on her last visit, a table sat against the opposite wall and carried a bucket and a wooden torch for light in the dark. Apart from that the rest of the room was empty as well.

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