The irony of the situation did not fly over Tristan. The fates were having a hayday with the brute today. Arriving him to dead lands, pushing despair on his shoulders, making him see the face of his beloved in the face of another. Oh yes. They were likely flying above delighted in playing him like a pawn in this ridiculous chess game. Well, they could just shove off. There was no way in hell that he was going to ignore this wonderful gift of companionship to wallow in half made up misery. At her response his grin widened into a full on smile, filling up the tired features on his face and replacing his age with a boyish look. For that moment Tristan felt years younger, once again in the company of a fellow.

Surprise flitted across his face as she took of toward him in a full on run, though he gave himself just half a second to note that she was a rather quick thing, and light on her feet. The snow splattered the half blind wolf in the face, making his nose crinkle as a sneeze came on. With the freshly flown powder littering his features, fur matted and skin practically hanging from his bones he was sure he looked a right mess. But he cared very little. At her little 'boo' the brute broke into laughter, a childish noise unbefitting such an elderly canine. After allowing himself a brief second of laughter he took on a faux-serious look. "You, my dear, shouldn't have done that." He whispered in what he tried to make an intimidating sentence. Tristan dug a claw paw into the snow, scooping as much as he could onto it and flung the ice towards the femme with an exclaimed, "Hah!"

Here, in the Withered Realms, the same lands that had momentarilly tried to claim his life and soul, Tristan made what he hoped would be his first friend in years.

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