Break Me Down

It was curious to Siv that a woman like this had been captured. Salvia was a strong girl no doubt, but her savagery surprised the older woman yet. The drying scabs on the girl’s body spoke of combat, though she was not scarred yet. This, in some way, pleased Siv. To know that they were well protected and that her own daughter might one day become strong and capable in battle. While she herself was untrained, Siv knew how to throw her weight around. She doubted she could handle someone like this on her own, and was truly impressed that she had been taken.

The dark woman smiled slightly, though there was little warmth in her. Survival, and not sympathy, was what drove her. “You’ve seen the man without the tongue?” She stuck her own out, to further explain, and drew one claw across it. This was how she had begun teaching her own daughter how to speak, and believed it would work with this woman’s poor grasp of the language. “He did not listen. You listen and you’ll be safe.” Simple. She would be simple because there was no other way.

“I will teach you how to behave. You are a slave now, and not a free woman. Salvia is your master, but you are below all others here.” Her hands moved in slow, graceful motions as she spoke. One dropped below the other, showing the physical change in rank. “She may let you fight for her in time. But you must learn how to behave, first.”

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