Hotel? Do tell!

Word Count :: 000 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Io stormed up the corridors. Contrary to popular belief Io didnt want to be surrounded by her children twenty four seven. Which wasn't even the problem at the moment. At that precise moment Io wished she could find her boys, they had slipped away a few minutes ago and she'd been searching for them ever since. Io could never decide the ringleader in their getaways, but she assumed it was Jandro because, well, it always was, wasn't it? Either way she'd always blame him. Dymtr was special and he'd never stray from his path, right?

Finding her way to the lobby, she noticed the slight, ever so slight, gust of wind and quick as a flash her eyes were directed to the small window beside the main door. It was open a jar, the gap large enough for two puppies to escape through. Smilling, Io opened the door and began to tail the boys. Whike they had the potential for speed in the future, Io had the speed, and larger gait, at that moment in time, so catching up the the bastards was childs play. She spotted them easily, acknowleging Itzal up ahead of them. 'Alejandro. Get here!' she hissed, causing the brown coated pup to flinch. She was upon them in a flash, batting their heads with a paw. 'Itzal. Nice to see you' she said, smiling.

Image courtesy of Dyrk.Wyst@Flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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