People are strange, when you're a stranger
OoC: Oh, you don't have to worry about that. ^^; I'm probably the slowest replier out there, lol. But - I'm back from my vacation, I should be more active now (I hope)!


"Yes, it is a bit too humid out-of-doors," Slay deadpanned, although amusement crept into his pale eyes. He liked Mew, although much about her was a mystery to him. He had learned that Haku was her brother, and while he did not trust the chocolate-furred male one bit, Mew's intelligent green eyes held none of the instability or threat that Haku's displayed. Knowing now that Colibri was her mother, the awkwardness of their earlier pack meetings became a bit more clear. And the newcomer, the dark-furred Des, was rather close to her, perhaps more than just friendship. But still, that was the background of those around her - Mew herself was an enigma.

In the welcome shelter of the dwelling, Slay let his gaze wander again over the dusty floors, the curious human creations, the tattered curtains, the rain spattering against the broken glass of the old windows. His sodden fur clung heavily against his form; he resisted the urge to shake the water from his piebald pelt, since doing so would splash mud over the sheet music, and the delicate-seeming instrument. "Ah, 'guitar' is the name? 'Fraid I'm not up to date with all the two-legger musical terms, but I must say, you're a talented songstress."

The arctic wolf settled his chin onto his paws, studying the easy grace with which she reclined, effortlessly balancing the guitar and her own slender form. It fascinated him, this strange combination of wolf beauty and human talent. He had never thought to transform on his own, despite how long he'd been away from his oppressive family. Maybe... it wouldn't be a bad idea to try it... Sometime. Hanna and Des seemed to prefer it, and Mew certainly had no qualms about using her gift. "I can't read, really, but I'm not too bad at singing..." Slay added with a smile, white-tipped ears perking forward. The storm showed no signs of lessening, so they'd be holed up here for a while. Might as well entertain themselves...


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