something greater than we are.

!@#$%He'd been about to turn and go home--simply because it was close, and he doubted that anybody would be out in this weather, anyway--when Sirius' cries came, muffled by the sound of the wailing wind, crashing waves, and booming thunder. One ear twitched, and with a scowl he glanced around. Through the rain he could make out nothing, and by now he was doubting that he had heard anything at all. Still, he began stalking his way down the coast, eyes glued to the water. Everything seemed to have become a swirl of grey, deep blue, and black.
!@#$%He almost had overlooked him--some tiny puppy, stranded out on a jetti. The rain was enough to make the surface slippery, and the waves were now spilling across the top of the rocky pathway on occasion. For several long moments he simply stared. Come on, kid, get yourself out of there... he thought to himself, the idea to do anything but look on yet to come to him. As far as Anselm could see, if the pup was careful he could still make it back across the path. He could also swim if he fell in. Anselm assumed too much--not everyone had been trained and pressured at the young age he had been.
!@#$%Rather captivated by the situation, he made his way a little closer for a better look at the youth in the distance. So far as he could tell, it was nobody from Inferni, although it did appear to be a hybrid. Humph, strange. Where the heck are the parents? This was not his problem--it was not his responsibility. Still, Anselm hoped that the kid would make it... his eyes widened as a particularly large wave crested and came crashing down towards the jetti.

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