It's time for the final chapter
She nodded in agreement as he spoke of the experience of travel and learning, of the stories one learns and the people you'd meet. She knew from her own travels exactly what he meant and she knew it could be a valuable thing to have as an individual. Grinning at the memories of her first real trip into the unknown, past the small rural pack settings she spoke. "I know what you mean, some of the others and I are gathering to create our own pack.. I think it could be a grand thing to have the young ones go out on their own adventure before settling down in the pack.. Sometimes they assume they know the whole of things to learn to late they don't." She turned her gaze away for a moment towards the direction of home as she admitted. "My children did just that, atleast a few of them. I believe they are wiser for the travelings.. One still roams so it looks like he hasn't found enough of the outside world yet." She shook her head slightly, wishing he would return but knowing he had his own life to live as well.

She stretched out her legs as she grinned, wondering where in the world her children's paths would go next or if they were going to settle here. She shook her pelt to rid some of the dirt from it as she asked, "So is this the part of just passing through or settling for a while?" She really did like to know the wolves that lived around her world, but even if she didn't it was sometimes great to see what was out there in the eyes of another. "Seen anything interesting past our lands?" She was mightly chattery today and she knew that, but where else was she going to learn what else was out there, she wasn't about to head out there anytime soon.

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