They always say someday

First parts a dream. WC:616

He was running. He had been out hunting when he heard the howl from Sam. She was in labor but something was wrong. He could feel it. He ran as fast as he could to the dens but he was always too late. Sam lay in a pool of her own blood, knife wounds all over her body. She was still breathing but their pups were nowhere in site. He asked her who did this and she shook her head before licking his cheek softly. He held her as she struggled to push out their last pup, a boy before the light left her eyes and she passed in his arms. She didn't even have the strength to take the birthing sac off their son and he used his knife to cut it open and welcome him into the world. At first he thought it was Shiloh who had taken his pups but this female smelled of him and Shiloh. Who was this unknown woman and why had she attacked his mate and taken his pups. He held Narak close and the dream faded

Rain woke with a start. Sam was cooking food when he woke, her one hand holding Quinn up so he could feed. The small boy had shown much improvement since the day they found him. He was talking and often played with his older sister. Rain was worried about the girl. She was too quiet, even in playing. No sound came from the girls muzzle and Rain wondered if she was a mute or it was a issue in her birth. She could just be a late talker and Rain often found that even though Lux didn't talk she had ways of telling him what she wanted. Rain scooped the girl up and held her over his head as her face showed silent laughter. She was a lighter brown then Quintus, with a red brown underside. She had intelligent blue grey eyes and as Rain played with her, his thumb slipped slightly and he touched a spot on her neck that brought out a sound in the child. She whimpered slightly and he brought her down to his chest as he sat up. He put her in the crook of his arm, laying her on her back. She knew what he was doing, what he was looking for. There on her neck was a claw mark from a large bird.

Lux had fought off a bird but not before it left a deep mark on her. It must have dug a claw into on of her vocal cords and damaged it. She would whimper ever time he touched it and Rain knew this would prove to be hard on the girl as she grew up. He would give her some of the tea he gave Sam, without the sleeping plant so her throat would heal. He listened to Sams singing and decided to join in. "My hearts been struck by cupid, I disdain all glittering gold. There is nothing can console me but my jolly sailor bold," he hummed softly to Lux as he let her drink some of the cold tea. She made a face and tried to not drink it but in the end she was able to take enough to make him feel better about hurting her. He had laid back down by the time she came over and had closed his eyes as Lux nibbled at his fingers. He could feel Sam close by, her touch almost making him smile. "RAWR!!! I GOT YOU MY LOVE!!!! he said scaring her and making Lux and Quinn run under the covers. He laughed hard at the look on Quintus's face.

rain marks

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