devil's in the details
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How fortunate that her student was more intuitive than she to bring a meal in chase of emergency. Gift or otherwise, it was a blessed pleasure indeed. The woman smiled at the coywolf’s truth, tail wagging merrily in agreement. “What would I have done without you?” Perhaps gone out and caught something for herself, but the Nomad needed admit this and take back the praise she had only just bestowed.

Despite her ravenous hunger, she walked calmly over her friend and sat beside her upon the offered spot on the rock. The hare was plump but only enough to sate the appetite of the larger female rather than provide a filling meal. Tradition however did not permit her to take the offering solely for herself. It was customary for the killer of the meat to have their first bite, but as it was an offering a compromise need be made. Rather than take the meal for herself, X’yrin took the plump carcass and wrapped her jaws around its head then tore it from its body. She dropped the head from her maw, teeth and tongue stained with its remnant blood then rested the body across her gathered legs. Sharpened claws cut precisely through its belly just enough to perforate the hide and slip her claws underneath it. The fur was tore effortlessly from the meat wasting little blood or tender meat through the skinning. It was quick work for practiced hands and the end result was a clean by free of fur and still warm to enjoy. The Nomad handed back the limp body but not before tearing a hind leg and thigh for herself. “Here you are,” she smiled politely. “It was your kill. I am simply fortunate to have such a grateful student willing to share their catch.”

ooc: 300 words.


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