notes from the underground

______________THAT I'VE DROPPED

_____ A long time ago, a little boy had been fascinated by places like this. They were ruins, archives, museums in their own right. He had lost himself in them, but the little boy had died before his time was up. The man that grew in his place, like a misplaced tree, had attempted to find the same wonder but found it lacking. Later on, he took his daughter to those places, and would leave her as she slept under the eyes of long-dead painters and beautiful women as he set fire to abandoned cars.
_____ From her hand came light, illuminating the store and its ruined state, the artifacts they had come to plunder. He followed her like a child, like two children doing something they had no right to do, and then he passed by her to take the treasure for himself. It was all one smooth motion, and before he was aware of it he was checking the string, the taunt pull, the sharp twang that accompanied the pressure from his finger. It was wonderful, despite the time. He turned, hunching over to look through old musty boxes, and found a small collection of arrows. They were small, as expected with the crossbow, and these were slid into a quiver and flung over his shoulder. Like a boy armed for the war between the white and the red man, Ahren smiled, black dust on his face. “Thank you.”

I won't lie no more you can bet
I don't want to learn what I'll need to forget


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