heavens made with black fire

No prob, dude! We can wrap this up pretty quickly, too, if you guys want? :3 And haaarp, sorry, I did miss Daisuke's presence.

Eris is by me!

There was a sharp smell of blood on the air, and Eris saw it staining the intruder's leg brilliantly red. Her chartreuse eyes flared with excitement, and her growl's pitch changed. Both ears were now turned forward in eagerness and excitement, and her tongue snaked out of her mouth repeatedly, fingers flexing. For all her pretend civility, in these moments, the sable werewolf was as feral as the wildest non-Luperci in the most isolated boscage in all the world. There was little more to her than lust and bloodthirstiness; looking at her, one might ponder just how spirituality played into her motivation at all. Such feral perspective was, however, exactly what The Auxiliary sought. One needed to shed all prejudices and biases, all complexities and complications, in order to ascend to that spiritual plane.

Eris half-recognized the golden slave, half-heard the words spoken to him. She was off and after the newcomer herself, having already turned and given chase. His blood was due, not only for his trespass, but for the magic lurking somewhere deep inside him, radiating perhaps from that holiest of holy organs, the dark and bloody center of his being. Eris was not a fast runner, and in her Optime form, her running gait was almost comical. Her short stature afforded her a short stride, and she was soon outpaced by the golden slave-boy. The dark hybrid's pace slowed to a trot and finally to a walk, and she stopped, still snarling but no longer growling.

There was the lightest sense of a presence at her side, and the hybrid realized Miqui had come to stand beside her, glowering toward the stranger. Let the slave do his work, the man said, his gruff voice surprisingly soothing. No danger to The Auxiliary. Eris had been ready to round on him at the first statement, preparing to curtly inform her subordinate that she did as she pleased, when something in the second statement registered with her, and she simply nodded, still displeased enough to deny him the pleasure of a vocal response. Instead, she turned to Esmeralda. The snarl was fading, but the tingle of excitement still ran over her body, and the hair along her shoulders stood, the Optime's impersonation of Lupus hackles.

I should like to see your snake-boy do his work, yes, she said, pointedly speaking to the paler of the two canines and ignoring the dark one before turning back toward the scenery, her fingers itching to tear and cut.

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