serenaded by the terror bird.


Ithiel is by Kitty!

Ithiel watched the woman closely, curious to know how this coyote clan received one another. She seemed aloof, and that was fine -- he was, too; it was not easy for the dust-colored coyote to warm up to others. A tangle of complicated thoughts usually dangled in his mind, but he rarely voiced thoughts or opinions. It wasn't the job of a soldier to think or verbalize opinions -- he was made to fight and serve, which he did gladly enough.

He noticed, however, a shivering, and wondered if she was growing faint. The corners of his mouth twitched in the faintest ghost of a frown, but the dark coyote did not move forward. Ithiel considered the possibility of her fainting, but thought he would move fast enough to catch her at this distance. She seemed to freeze and grew a look of great concentration, and the shaking slowly stopped.

During this, the horse had paced away in her shortened step, and stood several yards away, staring at both of them. She was not aggressive toward strangers unless provoked, Ithiel knew, but it was better she stayed away, all the same. She gave a final snort and disappeared around the strange boscage of trees, presumably to hide there until Ithiel and this one had ceased speaking.

The dust-colored man nodded at her introduction, and spoke plainly, although truthfully. Good to meet you. Are you alright? There was a hint of concern in his voice. Zedekiah? he asked, surprised by her questioning about the bird. He was used to inquiries regarding the vulture, of course, but he thought she might be more concerned over the apparent shaking fit. She didn't seem to be, however, and Ithiel was glad to oblige her questions. He believed in complete and honest answers, and would answer to the best of his ability.

Utah -- far to the west, almost in the desert. He was given to me for my journey here to Inferni. I did not train him, but the falconer gave me advice on how to keep him, the man explained. In the place where I came from, they kept a few different kinds of birds. The vultures are liked because they work well simply to scout. Other birds -- like hawks -- can be trained to hunt small prey, though, Ithiel said. The modifications to his saddle and the leather gauntlet were the only things Ithiel had to worry about with Zede; beyond these, he was an easy companion to keep.

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