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Firefly had settled back into her wolfen form as she trotted across the lands, her maw filled the the aroma of the freshly killed rabbit she was holding in her jaws, the scent and taste making her drool as she tried to control herself. She was taking it back to her favorite sunning stone in the vineyards of the packlands to sit in the brilliant light and enjoy her meal in peace. Her emerald eyes glittered with amusement as she thought about the time she'd recently been spending with the pack's second in command. She knew she wouldn't make a big deal about it to the rest of the world but deep inside she couldn't keep her mind wandering from thoughts of the danger and excitement that ran like fire between the two.

She shook her head trying to clear the thoughts from her mind and she sighed and dropped the rabbit for a moment to catch her bearings. Suddenly the scent of another caught her maw as she realized that carrying her prey about had dulled her senses from everything but her hunger. She growled softly at her own stupid mistake and picked the rabbit up once more, honing in on the stranger's scent as she moved along to track the newcomer.

It had taken her longer than expected to track the girl, but she wasn't going to leave her kill for the first hungry jaws awaiting a free meal. Pushing through the undergrowth she finally fell along the path of another, her eyes flashing angerly as she thought it had been her sister all along she was following, but at second glance she realize though the pelts seemed to match this was not her annoying sibling. Dropping the rabbig from her jaws again she spoke up, not knowing if the lady had seen her yet. "Hallo..." she called in her soft irish accent.

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