the musty smell of decay
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He did enjoy a good game of cat-and-mouse every once in a while, but a nice, civilized conversation was always welcomed, too. Zephyr had kept to himself on the ship, the crew mostly ignoring him and Devlin, so it was a refreshing change to speak with someone else. For the last few months, before he had ventured to these lands, he had travelled most of the continent, up to the far, cold parts and then down here to this more temperate climate.

"Zephyr. Pleased t'meet ya. Believe me, I'm glad I'm real too. I don't think it'd be much fun to be a hallucination or a ghost." He was not sure if he even believed in ghosts. He hadn't seen Devlin around anywhere, so he could not say that he had ever seen one. "Ya don't come from 'round here either, eh, miss Firefly?" He did not recognize the accent, but realized that it was foreign as well.


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