That deep sinking feeling
Shiloh knew the woman was hungry. She remembered when she felt no one wanted her and the days she couldn't and wouldn't eat. She smiled as Rendalls stomach growled and she knew that the woman was in no condition to be alone. Shiloh was greatful that Rendall gave her back her cloak, she had been getting cold. She hugged Rendall back and took notice to the deep deep sadness that lingered in the woman's eyes.

Shiloh took Rendalls hands and pulled herself up as a slight pain shot though her chest. Her hand went to her chest and she gripped Rendall's shoulder. She felt faint but wouldn't let Rendall know it. "Come. Lets get home. You need food and I myself is hungry." she said as the day grew old and the night young. Sarian would want to see her. Shiloh wanted Rendall to see her daughter, the daughter she saved.

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