So throw away my memories

WC: 637

The black-pelted slave was, to say the least, troubled by the member’s choice to address her. She had wished only to practice her art of taekwondo, especially because Salvia had finally allowed her to do so. There was much training to be done, and much strength to be regained. With her master’s careful feeding, the dark fae had lost much weight from her already lean body. Although her food rations had increased, she would still need to regain what had been lost in the moon of inactivity. But this strange Salsolan with folded ears had interrupted this need for progress. As she had been trained, the shattered mind knew enough to remain silent and obey. However, she was displeasured that she must now take orders from this young female that she did not know. While the Korean was willing to be submissive to the pack, her true loyalty was with Salvia, for Salvia had taken her from the ocean and had given her freedom to practice her martial art. (The shattered mind was not troubled that Salvia had also taken freedom from her life, for Taekwondo was her life’s end.)

When she was addressed as ‘slave,’ the down-cast, lunar orbs shifted to fall upon the base of the cloak, a sign of acknowledgement. It was clear that the pack member was displeased. It took a great deal of control to not respond in likeness, but the martial artist did not want to chance angering Salvia if she heard of such behavior. She did not want to chance losing the privilege of practicing. A nearly imperceptible sigh was released, and with it much tension. “Name is 이태경,” the alto voice responded quietly. “TaeKyung.” She repeated her name, knowing that Westerners had difficulty pronouncing it. But the Korean knew as well that repetition would be in vain. This Salsolan that she did not know would, most likely, care very little for her name. The lowered ears swiveled briefly to better catch the words spoken next. “I am belong to Salvia.” A hand came up to pat her chest twice to indicate herself, that she belonged to Salvia. TaeKyung wondered if the other pack girl knew Salvia. “I am have “ok”—training.” The young woman attempted to explain that Slavia had indeed given her permission to train. She was not far from the cabin, either, so it was not as if she were straying from her master.

When the stranger suddenly turned, smelling the air, TaeKyung lifted her maw to catch the scent as well. There was indeed a creature that did not have the scent mark of Salsola. Upon receiving the command to follow, the white orbs lifted slightly, to the girl’s shoulder. She wondered why she was required to go—but she had learned that it was not in her authority to question such a command. A small frown tugged at the corner of her silent, black lips, but she did not object. Pure sinew carried her lean form forth, her movements natural—dangerous but graceful. “Okay,” she agreed quietly. “I am not ‘Slave,’” the alto tone continued. “TaeKyung.” Her mind forgot the meaning of ‘slave’ because the stranger had used it so easily in place of her name. While this was becoming commonplace, the Korean was still adjusting. For once, her correction of the name was not meant as disrespect. The black plume flickered behind her, but remained low—almost, but not quite, between her legs.

TaeKyung followed silently, but soon she had a question. She wondered at her role in this event, and wondered if she were to protect the younger girl in case of attack. Fighting was her specialty after all. “I kill?” The alto tone whispered simply. She had pulled up closer to the cloaked figure, but remained behind her and not too close.

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