Thoughtful march along the shoreline

"No, I don't," he stated calmly. "Well, if you don't know anything, perhaps I'll just converse with you. I'm a traveler, though I am currently considering possibly laying down roots here for a little while. You don't sound like you are from around here yourself...what brings you to this place? And more immediately, what brings you to this beach?" Small talk was alright with him. He didn't need to think too hard to make it, and as long as the topics were kept general, he wouldn't need to hold back too many details. Then again, giving things away was never something that he'd had trouble with. Soro, however, was still dealing with the guilt of the last fiasco.

They had lost half of their party that day...a little bit of liquor, followed by some flirting from one of the native girls had loosed his cousin's tongue, and they had entered a fight for their lives. It would appear that the pack they had encountered took issue with what they sought to do, not surprising really, but still a terrible danger. Soro had let his guard down for a moment, allowed himself to be seduced by the drink and by a woman...young like himself, and that had been that. The two eldest members of their group had died...he still couldn't forgive his mentor for falling there. He, at least, should have made it back.


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