you'll just do it all again
It was these fleeting moments, these dandelion seeds and fireflies floating through the summer breeze, that seemed to exaggerate time. They were brief, instantaneous, and immeasurably small, but somehow, even squeezed between months and years of tragedies, they held their own ground. It was these fleeting moments that he still dreamed about some nights, when the air was warm and there was no rain. His mind registered surprise, and it might have actually connected to show on his face. His eyes widened, and then there was warmth -- a body next to his own, radiating with heat, with life, with some kind of emotion, even if he couldn't read or understand it yet. It was shockingly nostalgic, more than he might have cared to admit, but tonight, he did not immediately think of someone else. This was Ahren de le Poer. And tonight, that seemed okay.

He placed his hands over the other's and leaned back; he closed his eyes and saw nothing, no flashbacks, no memories. This time, there were no images, only words, only music. Still livin' in a world we know, still livin' in a world we know, ho~ld on there, and then life goes on. His voice faded again, but he held on for several more moments. Fleeting moment after fleeting moment. Maybe everything really did add up in the end. The hybrid let go and sat back up again slowly, glancing again at the ocean. And then he looked at the sky and the half moon and the stars, the constellations. He didn't remember what any of them were. He didn't remember any of the reasons why they might have been relevant. He couldn't even tell by looking which way north was. Laruku could still feel the warmth on his body where they had touched. He howled at the moon, and for once, didn't think at all about his wailing coyote voice.

Lyrics © "A Nine Days' Wonder" - Akeboshi.

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