No Bliss in Ignorance

The golden fae's method of entry pulled a laugh from her, a confused tilt of the head from Honrin and a baring of teeth from Emmett, the white stallion trotted around nervously before pulling his ears back and disappearing inside the shelter attached to the paddock with his relatives. The hybrid chuckled at his departure, he was too jumpy and needed to calm down quite a bit. She smiled softly as the barely known X'yrin bade her good morning,

"Good morning X'yrin. Congratulation on your promotion, Kozan." Jace felt relief that she now had someone who she could talk to about Prestige matters instead of worrying about all of them. Her attention was pulled away however at the short whine and she looked at the golden woman curiously who was staring at her son with a strange mixture of emotions crossing her face, she didn't pass judgement however, perhaps the older woman had lost a child that looked like her Honrin and seeing him now reminded her,

"Oh, yes thank you. We've been very well. His sisters are off with their father for a walk. Honrin here didn't want to go so he stayed with me. Sat hello to X'yrin sweety." The small child stared up at her with eyes that were still mostly puppy blue but that had slivers of amber running through them now. He let out a yelp that was muffled by the toy he refused to let go of along with a soft growl that proclaimed the toy as his and that nobody else was going to take it from him. Jace laughed.

"Is this a social call or is there anything that you require assistance on?" Business or pleasure, Jace hated dodging around issues and preferred to get to them straight after greetings were out of the way of course.

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