No Bliss in Ignorance
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Truly the Kozan was grateful in being granted an audience with the Element master, even if they both were on the same level and she owed the other nothing. It was by courtesy that she showed respect to the other, bowing at her congratulations while maintaining a comfortable distance of personal space. The woman was not so much nervous as she was uneasy in preparing to as such a large request especially when their relationship was nothing more than passing nods.

However the obliged the new mother with answers instead of further drawing out the pleasantries til the purpose of her coming was last. “Lady Jace, I have done wrong to another of our pack,” the warrior lowered her head humbling but not in shame. “I was granted keep of her child for only a day… but I kept her for myself and refused to return her. I knew it was wrong then… even when told by the Lady Nayru and my-“ still she did not know what to call the envoy that had stolen her heart- “my male companion (it was better than ‘friend’ at least), he did not say much on the matter… but I could tell he thought the same as our JiRyu; that I could not keep what was not mine.” The warrior then lifted her head, slowly as though again a great weight had been placed upon her crown.

“But Lady I still tried. I wanted to keep her for myself. It went against the practices of my culture, to show possession at all was an act they would have frowned upon, and I had forsaken that just to keep the child with me… so that I would not bare that unhappiness. I took the time to wonder why this was so, why I would act like this against my practices… but I arrived at no conclusion. I know that I have experienced love for this girl… but nothing more than that, my Lady. I know nothing more than that I loved her.” Her eyes had been pleading through the entirety of her confession, hoping that her words would be enough to convey her request; the understanding she sought. “What I can’t understand my Lady, is why.”

ooc: 372 words.


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