No Bliss in Ignorance

The Great Mother had seen fit to grant Jace with an outstanding amount of patience and understanding, granted that Jace didn't always show it, it was there never the less. This allowed her to stand and listen as X'yrin explained her crimes and misdeeds that she had done to another. Jace felt empathy for the golden Nomad, not pity but empathy for she could understand her position, when her children had died Jace had felt as though she could take another's and replace them but it would have been wrong and bitter, something to be stopped. From what she said Jace realised that she had indeed returned the child in question and breathed an uneasy sigh of relief, the woman wished to know why. Why had she taken the child of another when it went against her traditions and customs, Jace didn't think herself as overly wise, that title had always been reserved for her mother and elders,

"It is in the nature of a woman to love a child just as it is the nature of men to fight and brawl amongst each other. This love can sometimes make us act in peculiar ways, think strange thoughts and becomes someone who is not ourselves." Jace decided to use herself as a real life example for X'yrin, she didn't particularly want to speak about the children of hers that were dead but then she never wanted to speak of it really,

"These children I have now are not the first ones I have borne into this world. I had two before these, created from the rape of myself. That same man that violated me found my pregnant form again and harassed me so much to the point that my body chose to reject them for my health's sake. I miscarried and they died without ever having the chance to live. Afterwards I was not the same, I was not myself. I was quiet and sick, I never spoke, never interacted with people." This was hard for her to speak of and her voice was strangled and tight, her eyes clouded with shadow, Honrin looked at his mother curiously having never heard her speak with that tone before, like his father the boy was generally quiet unlike his loud sisters,

"My love for them was so.. so intense that I wished I could take somebody else's child to replace and stop the pain. This love for them eventually drove me to murder somebody, a man who was more a demon than he was flesh and blood, a child murderer. I found him digging up their bodies from the grave they lay in and my mind, already broken from the grief and pain snapped completely. That man suffered for many days before the life bled from him. All because of my love for children that were dead." The man Argul had deserved to die but that still did not excuse the fact that she had taken his life.

"So my answer to you X'yrin is instead a question. How much more would the love for a child burn for one who lived than one who was already dead." Jace was trying to show her the answer to her own question, Jace had done all that for her children who would never live or breathe how much more would she be willing to go for a child that ran and laughed and played. Unbeknown to Jace the shadows of the children she was talking about shifted and wandered around her in a circle, whining in a voice she could not hear, Honrin watched them with a tinge of fear in his eyes unsure of what the shadows actually were,

"Blood does not matter for family can be whoever you chose it to be. The child of another may well be one that you see as your own. The desire to protect and defend from those who may be even closer than yourself can be overwhelming and cloud your judgement severely prompting you to perhaps kill a man.." Here she referred to herself ".. Or take a child that is not yours." She hoped that X'yrin could understand where she was coming from in her attempted explanation.

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