My hearts just not in it
Shiloh was not expecting the Alpha so quickly. When Nayru appeared before her Shiloh looked over her leader and saw she too was pregnant. Shiloh wasn't as far along as Nayru but she knew what the woman was going though. She stood and clasped her hands together, bowing to her. "Na.... Namaste Lady Nayru. I am sorry to have you come all this way in your condition but I... I needed to talk to you. Would you come and sit with me so I can explain," Shiloh stuttered. She had a natural fear of leaders, the last one she had come in contact with before Nayru had hurt her ex mate and banished them.

Shiloh straightened and looked at Nayru with half lowered eyes. Nayru wore no cloak and the day was already proving to be chilly. Shiloh pulled off one of her cloaks she had worn to keep warm and offered it to Nayru. "I do not want you to get sick my lady. In our conditions we need to keep warm," she said softly offering the pregnant leader her cloak.

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