They always say someday
Rain laughed as his mate tried to hold him down and Quinn attacked his tail. "Oh what am I to do? I am being attacked by Sam and Quinn. Will no one save me," he laughed. Lux watched from a distance, her eyes showing curiosity and want but also fear and loss. Why did the pup fear playtime? Rain put a gentle hand on his mates back, careful of her wounds and dislodged her from his chest before sitting up and pulling his son off his tail. He flipped him over and put him in the crook of his arm before tickling the boy. "Whats this? The Brave Quinn is ticklish? ooo I got you now," he said as Quinn laughed and giggled. Lux rushed forward thinking Rain was hurting her brother and attacked his wrist.

Rain was shocked to see her even step forward let alone attack him and talk. "Leave my brofer alone! Don't hurt him!," she yelled, biting down on Rain's wrist. Rain stopped tickling Quinn and grabbed Lux by the scruff, getting whimper of pain from the child. He set her down and Quinn who went to his mother. "I was not hurting Quinn Lux. I was tickling him. See look," he scooped her up and flipped her over and went to tickle her. She panicked and Rain quickly put her down as she ran to her mother.

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