dinner is served.
Zana had noticed Valkyrie's scent in the lands, but it had taken her a while to actually gather why she knew the scent. So much like her mother's scent and yet a scent all her own Zana had been slightly confused for a while until she came to understand that it was Ryan's daughters scent she'd tracked over the lands repeatedly. She didn't take offense that Val hadn't realized she had been in the lands, a slight smile on her lips as she added. "It doesn't matter.. I'm rather easy to overlook.. if you catch my drift." She gave Val a wink as she poked at the wood in the fire, watching sparks fly for a moment before she turned back to look at her clan mate and about the closest thing she had to family in the lands.

When the conversation turned towards Ryan and DaVi she smiled slightly and sighed. "They are still like two turtledoves cooing away happily in their little fairy tale. How they came to find a happy ending after everything they started here i will never know." She looked over Valkyrie for a moment, silent as she tried to figure out how to tell the slightly older woman that she was a sister now. "They had a litter a while back. Though the pups would be hardly pups now..you have a brother and sister.." She poked at the fire again as she added. "Ryan misses you.. and Inferni.. I think once they settle things in Eire.. she'll find a way to get DaVi to come home.." She smiled weakly. She would love to see her brother and nephew and niece again... Ryan was like a mother to her as well, but she didn't know how things would go when they returned. She only hoped Ezekiel would only ask of them the same he had asked of her.

Zana was not against eating felines, or even canines if they were stupid enough to get caught, but she wouldn't express that to Valkyrie. She didn't know how the other woman might view that, an while a cat was a simple meal in the city, it wasn't what she expected to catch any day in Inferni. She watched as Valkyie began to look at the little kittens before choosing one for her own. Zana knew that anyone taking three would be in trouble and though two was a stretch for her small home she also knew the added warmth of two other bodies in her tiny den would be helpful in the winter. She poked her dark brown and black manx kitten on the nose as she decided. "I can keep the last.. and if someone else decides they would like her then atleast she will be use to living in the clan atleast.." She looked at the two faces down in the bag clambering to come out as she smiled. "I bet within a week I will regret it.. they will be in everything.. but company would be nice too.." she said wistfully, knowing that she could have chosen a den in the mansion or the guest house..but she hadn't.

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