wicked games

His appearance was nothing he was afraid to have torn into lesser pretty pieces. Things went as they did, and Haku usually got what he wanted nevertheless, so the world was merry even if his face was torn away. Without the bandages his newest, yet healed, injuries were quite visible. The long and somewhat deep cut that started on his shoulder and ran across his shoulder would never manage to be hidden fully, especially not in his current luperci form. The pentagram that was burned black into his flesh about one and a half year ago, a few more scars here and there, better hidden beneath the fur, that was all there was for now. He supposed he had been lucky.

He had quietly followed her scent for a while now, but his mind had been traveling elsewhere, and he had not noticed he was following anyone before he saw movements in the distance. He continued his dulled movements, silent as a demon could be before it would materialize itself and consume a child. Ello, little Bird. He had added an extra spoon of charm, just for her. His thoughts returned to the day when she had first been at their borders. It had been… interesting. Also, there was another feeling that he could not put his finger on. There was something about her. She was interesting and intoxicating.

He did not halt before he was a few feet away from her. The wonderful wine yards. He would probably make an attempt to create some of his own wine in the future, if he found a book that could guide him on his way. Maybe together with Firefly.


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