And I swear that I don't have a gun

His ears flattened slightly. Who were they to decide which beings that deserved death. Of course, Haku had consumed souls and left the bodies empty and cold, but it did not automatically mean that they did not deserve the right to live. Haku was a thief that stole everything, also lives. He was a monster. However, he knew nothing could justify his actions. Some could, if one had the right point of view. Fact was that Haku felt no hatred to Inferni, they were merely a random target. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing he did could be justified, not in his own eyes.

The Inferni leader’s name fitted too well. God’s hand had struck him in that church. He had know at once that he was not welcome. The dark core inside him had wriggled and bled, unholy. A demon. A monster. The female next to him leaned against him. She was a pretty little fae. However, her scent of Twilight was dying. Her bi-colored eyes met his, and the silence filed the air around them, but it did not matter, it was the comfortable way of silence. Do you know the madman’s name? Rapid dogs need to be disposed of. Yes, she was not dumb, she knew what he meant with these words.


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