Call out my name and I will be there

She felt, she knew that now she was halfway through this ordeal her body threw at her and now she could rest if even ever so slightly. The female breathed out a silent whisper of air and leaned back on her bed of shredded pelts. The two children she had already birthed gave short quiet moans at the movement but soon settled back down into their feeding. Almost without noticing the new mother drifted off into a light sleep with her totally helpless children laid on her chest while her body geared itself up to expel the other two tiny figures that still resided inside of her.

She woke up with a soft grunt, and blinked confusedly, not much time had passed really only about twenty or thirty minutes but to Jace it felt like she had been asleep for hours, maybe even a whole night. She yawned and shifted herself up a little,

"How long was I out?" She looked down at the young pups, both now curled up asleep on her white furred stomach, dashed with streaks of red and green from the blood and afterbirth. She still felt strangely towards them at the moment, she wondered when the rush of maternal instincts she had felt the first time would come into play. Maybe the death of her first two had broken that part of her? She turned to Temo who was all but invisible in the darkness, the hoarseness of her voice apparent,

"Can you get me some water please. I'm dieing of thirst over here." She tried to make it into a little joke, the sparkle of her eyes showed it, but she was still worried. She returned her gaze back to the children, both of whom stood out in the gloom due to the white of their pelts, the boy more so than the girl.

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