It's a beautiful thing
I could've swore Iri said "I'm Iri. I'm a murderer."

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It'd been a few days since Trigger and Leon had made it to this particular region and they'd spend nearly the whole time in Ethereal Eclipse. The two were beginning to get restless there so Leon decided to take his brother and explore outside the verdant forest and toward the Dampwoods. They ended up in(that one square) an area where a couple others were; Leon could smell the fire and two strange scents. He was tempted to have Trigger stay where he was, but he didn't want to leave the young pup waiting around in a strange forest that neither of them were used to.

That and... maybe this stranger had some food? Leon put a hand to his stomach as he tried to stifle a growl, but Trigger tilted his hand at the sound. "C'mon," the ten-month-old said quietly as he lead the way to the little campsite. He stopped behind a tree, peering out at the fire. There were two optime there; one was tending to the other who was obviously pretty badly injured. There was a horse and cart and his silver eyes easily spotted other supplies.

He was going to take a step forward when his eyes shot open wider than they were and he stepped back. Fuck. He knew that scent was somewhat familiar, along with how the standing optime looked. Not too long ago Leon had been roped into a raid on this man's village; he and Trigger were starving then, too, not to mention he was outnumbered and had left Trigger in another den that day. The males were also larger than him and when he refused they kicked him around until he finally agreed.

Bad shit happened that day. Those idiots! Leon just wanted food to feed he and his brother. After the original raiders ran off, Leon tried to stay behind to help, but the villagers angrily chased him off. He managed to escape with a small meal that he gave to Trigger that night. The boy nudged the back of Leon's knee, trying to get him to move forward as his own stomach grumbled for sustenance. Leon waved a hand back at him while he peered into the small clearing. Maybe the guy wouldn't recognize him?

You know what? Fuck it. He and his brother were hungry, and it's not like he wanted to be any part of that. The gray wolf rubbed his right bicep with a hand anxiously, looking down at his earthy, hazel-eyed brother who gave him an encouraging smile. Finally, the two brother stepped out of the shadows and cautiously approached the campsite. "Hey." Leon spoke casually; for all his nervousness, he didn't show an ounce of it, but Trigger was able to see his brother's unease clearly.

Leon speaks

Trigger Speaks


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