dear hunter
every memory that I hold

were all just scars in the making

Word Count → 395 :: I loved your post! Mine sucks though xD trying to post something quickly before another exam.

She had expected her friend to roll over and knock her away, or otherwise retaliate against the playful bites she was bestowing on her scruff. However, the “attack” she knew in the back of her mind would be somewhat awkward soon became awkward, and while she was content with the warmth of the other woman underneath her, Vesper hadn’t quite envisioned this. Slowly, she ceased her assault and wondered if offering the nape of the girl’s neck a soothing lick would remedy this situation or only inflame it more.

Coyote-large ears tilting back against her head, the tawny hybrid could feel a sudden burst of anxiety in her stomach until those mismatched, gorgeous eyes found hers. Blind smiled, and without even knowing it, Vesper smiled as well. There were a few urges of her own that she buried deeply, withdrawn because of that bundle of nerves in her belly. As many signs as her friend had offered, she wasn’t sure where exactly she stood—or where Blind stood, for that matter. This was a companion who she’d played with and fought for and lost and found again, and her heart was offering a number of feelings batted aside by the cold logic in her head.

Then again, if she couldn’t reason any of this, Vesper would just have to go with what she wanted for the moment. A younger version of herself would have worried about the future—but only the present really mattered.

The claw running across her arm made her fur stand on end, and a tail flapped around underneath her. Smirking, the tawny woman shifted her weight so that she was no longer on top of the other female—though still very close, her almost nonexistent curves resting along the wolf’s slightly more ample ones.

“I love this,” Vesper murmured, as it was the only thing she could think of even saying. She gestured vaguely to everything—the woods, the frosty grass, the both of them without a care in the world. She reached with an arm to scratch the other’s shoulders affectionately before letting her hand settle on the small of her dark back. The thought of play began to creep away from her mind, though she wouldn’t say no. Right now she was simply content to lie there, feeling like a spring day amongst the frost and the bare trees.

Vesper Optime by Nat; table code from the Mentors!

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